I wanna show you sons of bitches some cool websites that'll make you cooler if you visit 'em
The Eye is a big massive directory of books and pictures. Lots of programming textbooks and occult literature
Suckless is one of the absolute best software developers for Unix systems. They make the most simple, optimized programs out there. They make web browsers, window managers, terminal emulators, and IRC clients. as well as great software, they've got a page explaining their philosophy and ideas about what an ideal software should be. Incredibly based.
Quaddicted is one of the best modern websites to look for Quake mods.
OpenBSD is one of the most popular BSD variants, with a priority on security and a funny mascot. It's another Unix-based OS except it's more similar to Unix than Linux is. it's simpler and less bloated than Linux is.
"I use Artix btw". This Linux distro is exactly like Arch, except instead of using Systemd, it uses Runit. Simple. Fast. Systemd-free.
this website is a list of projects that random anons upload to /wdg/ threads on the 4chan /g/ board